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Showing posts with label contemporary artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contemporary artist. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cover Your Walls With Awe.

Photo source (Author - Artist):

International Lux Magazine 
has the pleasure to present to the international audience the very featured Maria Parenteau, She is a Brazilian American contemporary fine artist recognized for creating visual poetry, her goal is use the arts to create joy and comfort to inspire and encourage people.

She is a creative, independent thinker, a philanthropist and a social entrepreneur with innovative ideas to rethink poverty. She auctions her artwork to benefit mankind and invest in social projects around the globe.

Maria Parenteau is also World Peace Ambassador and associate member of the staff of International Lux Magazine.

We share here her message:

Signature image of Maria Parenteau.

 If a habit is created in only 21 days imagine what looking at one image over and over for years can cause in your consciousness. Neuroscience is unveiling the power of the arts to bring well-being, promote change in our thinking process and nurture and maintain our mental health.

Envision experiencing awe every time you pass by that inspiring artwork in your living room. Have fun knowing your brain receives great relief and relaxation by contemplating an image. Discover what a colorful landscape resembling a magical place from story books can bring to your imagination. Majestic mountains faraway playing with the horizon lines, sunrise pouring bright golden colors into the atmosphere can bring your heart into this wonderful display of glory.

The healthy vines and the movement of dancers celebrate the plentiful harvest. It is all so colorful and surreal that you lose your sense of time. This indicates your brain is intoxicated by beauty and your body is gushing with serotonin. Your heart is ready for joy. You can throw your pills away because you are giving yourself  the perfect remedy; art.

Please enhance your knowledge with this
great article by Renee Phillips   

Images: Kirsten Borror -

Maria Parenteau -

Daciana -

Linda Winter - Http://

The images included in this Article are
ART of Maria Parenteau. Congratulations for
the very nice and inspirating Art.

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